
How to Remove the Corel Reminder for CorelDRAW12

CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite 12 has been previously registered. The Corel Reminder continues to display every 15 days.

Do the following to disable the Corel Reminder:

Click Start | Run, type in regedit and click OK.
Double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | Current Version.
Highlight the Run key.

如何移除 CorelDRAW 10 和 11 的註冊提示?

請遵循這些指示即可移除 CorelDRAW 10/11 的註冊提示:

1. 開始
2. 執行 – 鍵入:Regedit
3. 展開 Hkey_Local_Machine 資料夾
4. 展開 Software 資料夾
5. 展開 Microsoft 資料夾
6. 展開 Current Version 資料夾
7. 展開 Run 或 Run Once 資料夾
8. 尋找並刪除 Corel Reminder 資料夾

下面是說明移除或停用CorelDRAW InstallShield?Update Manager program的方法

How do I remove/disable the InstallShield?Update Manager program?

Removing InstallShield Update Manager

If you wish to remove the InstallShield Update Manager from your workstation, you will need to download and install the Update Manager uninstaller from the following location:

This will remove the Update Manager service from your computer, updates to Corel products can be found at the following location on the Corel Website:

Disabling InstalShield Update Manager

To disable the InstallShield Update Manager follow the steps below:

Within Explorer®, browse to the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService\
Double click on the file "ISUSPM" ( or ISUSPM.EXE).
Click on the "Update Settings" tab.
Click on the option "The install shield update manager will not automatically check for updates".


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